Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Relax time

I don't have another exam until next Monday, so I'll be chillaxing in my house and studying until then.

Right now, I'm watching and listening to SKE48's new single Gomen ne, SUMMER. The title song is pretty weak in comparison to it's c/ws. Shojo wa Manatsu ni Nani wo Suru, Hazumisaki and Pinocchio Gun. 

Gomen ne, Summer senbatsu:
S: Matsui Jurina (Obvious)
Matsui Rena (Obvious)
Yagami Kumi (A bit obvious, she was  in the last single senbatsu)
KII: Takayanagi Akane (KII frontgirl, was in last senbatsu)
Mukaida Manatsu (KII frontgirl, was in last senbatsu)
Ishida Anna (YES! One of my favourite members)
RS: Kizuki Yuria (RS, not expected at all)
(I don't understand the plot of this PV. Jurina is chasing some guy who's moving away... CONFUSION)

Shojo wa Manatsu ni  Nani wo Suru (Under Girls A): 
S: Ono, Kinoshita, Kuwabara, Suda, Takada
KII: Saito, Wakabayashi
RS: Yamada E

(I liked this PV a lot more than the last one. The girls were all sad with their lives and left for Tokyo. They had a lot of fun but then their mothers called and they went back home.)

Hazumisaki (Under Girls B):
S: Oya, Nakanishi, Hirata, Hiramatsu
KII: Uchiyama, Ogiso, Furukawa, Matsumoto

(Cute PV. I liked the summer fun feeling but the song is lacking. The members are so cute!)

Pinocchio Gun (Theater Girls):
S: Deguchi

KII: Akaeda, Iguchi, Kato, Kito, Sato S, Sato M, Yamada R
RS: Abiru, Isohara, Imada, Ueno, Kato R, Goto, Hata, Matsumura, Mano, Yakata
(The obviously got the best song even though it's a stage song. I couldn't find Seira until the end of the preview. The PV looks amazing. I can't wait to see it.)

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