Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Summer is almost over. It's so weird. 
I feel like it just started.
I don't want to go to school. :(

I can't for Vocal though. 

I really want to get better at singing to when I audition for dubs, I get chosen.
I'm sick of not being "genki" enough.
I'm going to try extra hard this time. VOCAL CLASS BETTER BE THIS SEMESTER.

Okay! What I am excited for this year:
J-Pop/K-Pop releases. 
My online purchases to come in the mail
OH! Computer class!
uhhh.. nothing else. lol

What I'm not excited for:
New classes
Faking being me
Being around people I don't like very much
Hmm... Being ignored

Rant time:
Every time I try and make friends I always get pushed behind by those friends. I get ignored and I  bothers me so much. Seriously. WTF is your problem. Don't do that.
And people wonder why I don't hang out with people often. 

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